Sunday, March 17, 2013

Angels & Demons

Yesterday, I sat down with my daddy and we watched Angels and Demons together. Now, I'm not sure how historically accurate/just plain accurate the story is (I mean, duh, I know that this never actually happened in real life, I mean certain aspects of it like the Illuminati conspiracy, which I looked up, is an actual group but some aspects of their story are fictitious) but I thought the whole plot was just fascinating. It's just that I wish I knew more about the topic to know if certain things in the film were true or not.

So here's a brief summary. I'm telling it based on what had happened in the film.

Okay, basically, the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church has died and there is a conclave to elect a new Pope. Meanwhile, at a CERN facility,  Father Silvano Bentivoglio and Dr. Vittoria Vetra are working on the development of the antimatter which can power cities with just one speck. They succeed; however, Father Bentivoglio is killed and the antimatter is stolen. The four Preferiti, the four Cardinals that are most likely to become Pope, are kidnapped. The kidnappers are the same people who stole the antimatter and are part of a group called the Illuminati. The Illuminati, in this particular film, again, I don't know a lot about their history or anything, but in the film, they are an underground movement who, during the Renaissance, had worked to support the sciences. Of course, the Church did not particularly like the advancement of science and did all they could to stop it, including killing some members. Now, the group was getting revenge. They threatened to brand the Preferiti and kill one each hour. At midnight, the antimatter would run out of batteries which will cause it to explode and "Vatican City would be consumed by light." So, the Vatican calls in Robert Langdon who helps to interperet the clues leading to the places where the four Preferiti would be killed. Thus begins the "race against time" to rescue the four Preferiti. I'm not going to tell you the ending, but it's some crazy stuff, and it also turns out that the bad guys are attacking from the inside.

The whole time while I was watching this film, I was mindblown. Especially at the end. I always knew that behind every institution is imperfection. It's unavoidable since people are not perfect. But, it's pretty crazy when you think about it. There are so many things that we don't know about, that are kept secret from the public (Watergate, anyone?). And even when we, the public, sort of "know about it," the facts might be a bit twisted. The thought is pretty scary. You probably don't know what I'm talking about right now...So, you should definitely watch the film. Usually, I can't sit through films like this. Too many historical facts/things I don't understand. But I thought it was pretty interesting.

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