Sunday, February 24, 2013

Red Dawn

So, you're probably thinking that I'm talking about the 2012 Red Dawn, but this blog post is about the 1984 version of Red Dawn. The film stars prominent actors in the 80's including Patrick Swayze, C. Thomas Howells, Jennifer Grey, and Charlie Sheen. The first time I saw the film, I was vacationing in Florida. It was on television and for some reason, there was an encore presentation after the first presentation, so I watched it twice. I remember just crying after I saw it the first time, it was so sad.

Red Dawn is a made up story about the Cold War in which communist groups from the Soviet Union, Cuba and Nicaragua take over the United States; as a result, a group of teenagers have to leave home and hide in order to keep from being imprisoned. After killing some Soviet troops that they come across in the woods, they decide to form a rebel group called "The Wolverines." As the Cold War heats up, and the communists groups are taking over more and more of the US, the Wolverines join forces with military groups and organize an armed resistance against the intruders. And of course, I am not going to give away the ending, so you'll just have to watch it to see what happens.

I typically like most genres of films. Okay, that's not completely true, but I am open to watching different types of films (except fantasy films. I can't stand those. No offense.), and usually, war movies just depress me as this film did but it's just a terrific, terrific movie, and I guess you learn some things about history even though this is entirely made up, it has some Cold War elements/facts in it. I really enjoyed it because I"m a big fan of eighties movies, and this film, in my opinion, is a notable eighties film. Overall, I think Red Dawn is an extremely well done film, and you should definitely check it out.

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